
SwitchIfInErrorsWarn_Alert—AutoSupport 消息

Last Updated:


  • Cisco 集群交换机
  • Broadcom集群交换机
  • CN1610集群交换机



  • 系统运行状况监控器会针对监控子系统时检测到的潜在问题创建警报。
  • 这些警报包含有关可能的发生原因 的信息以及更正此问题的建议操作。
  • 交换机接口"交换机名称/插槽:0端口:4 10G -级别"的入站数据包错误百分比高于警告阈值。
  • 集群互连性能下降可能会导致集群不稳定或可能发生中断。


AutoSupport 消息

HA Group Notification from Node Name (Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchIfInErrorsWarn_Alert[Node Name/Slot: 0 Port: 4 10G - Level]) ERROR


event log show -severity * -message-name callhome*

[Node Name Name: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchIfInErrorsWarn_Alert[Node Name/Slot: 0 Port: 4 10G - Level].


system health alert show -node <node name> -monitor cluster-switch -alert-id SwitchIfInErrorsWarn_Alert

            Node: Netapp-a
          Monitor: cluster-switch
       Class of Alert: SwitchIfInErrorsWarn_Alert
     Severity of Alert: Major
       Probable Cause: Threshold_crossed
Probable Cause Description: The percentage of inbound packet errors of switch interface "$(cluster_switch_analytics.unique-name)" is above the warning threshold.
      Possible Effect: Communication between nodes in the cluster might be degraded.
     Corrective Actions: 1) Migrate any cluster LIF that uses this connection to another port connected to a cluster switch.
For example, if cluster LIF "clus1" is on port e0a and the other LIF is on e0b,
run the following command to move "clus1" to e0b:
"network interface migrate -vserver vs1 -lif clus1 -sourcenode node1 -destnode node1 -dest-port e0b"
2) Replace the network cable with a known-good cable.
If errors are corrected, stop. No further action is required.
Otherwise, continue to Step 3.
3) Move the network cable to another port on the node (if available).
Migrate the cluster LIF to the new port.
If errors are corrected, contact technical support to troubleshoot the original node port.
Otherwise, continue to Step 4.
4) Move the network cable to another available cluster switch port.
Migrate the cluster LIF back to the original port.
If errors are corrected, contact technical support to troubleshoot the original switch port.
If errors persist, contact technical support for further assistance.


  1. 对端口报告执行链路故障排除 SwitchIfInErrorsWarn_Alert:
  2. 尝试重新拔插缆线和/或SFP。
  3. 确认缆线和/或SFP是受支持的部件。
  4. 检查控制器和交换机之间是否存在任何配线板、如果可能、请绕过它。
    1. 如果问题描述 仍然存在、请更换SFP和/或缆线。
    2. 如果问题描述 仍然存在、请将此连接交换到交换机端的已知端口、并检查是否报告警报。
  • 如果问题描述 仍然存在





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