

Last Updated:


Cisco 3132Q-V集群网络交换机


  • 交换机-02 (集群交换机)不工作。所有流量都在Switch-01上提供
  • 运行状况监控器警报通过AutoSupport 发出

Mar 17, 2022 08:29:08 CET HA Group Notification (Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchIfIslDownWarn_Alert[Switch-02 (xxxx)/Ethernet1/31]) ALERT

  • EMS-LOG-FILE AutoSupport 的部分中:
Tue Mar 15 16:25:13 CET [Node-05: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SwitchIfIslDownWarn_Alert , Alerting Resource = Switch-02(xxxx)/port-channel1 raised by monitor cluster-switch 
  • 交换机日志(# show tech-support):

2022 Mar 15 16:21:07 Switch-02 %DIAG_PORT_LB-2-REWRITE_ENGINE_LOOPBACK_TEST_FAIL: Module:1
Test:RewriteEngine Loopback failed 10 consecutive times.
Faulty module:  Error:Loopback test failed. Packets lost on the SUP in the receive direction

2022 Mar 15 16:21:07 Switch-02 %DIAGCLIENT-2-EEM_ACTION_HM_SHUTDOWN: Test <RewriteEngineLoopback>
has been disabled as a part of default EEM action

2022 Mar 15 16:21:07 Switch-02 %MODULE-4-MOD_WARNING: Module 1 (Serial number: xxxxx) reported warning due to Loopback test failed.
Packets lost on the SUP in the receive direction in device DEV_SUPERVISOR_CTRL (device error 0x41830059)

2022 Mar 15 16:21:07 Switch-02 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from vty by admin on vsh.bin.4635

  • 交换机命令 # show module

Switch-02# show module
Mod  Ports             Module-Type        Model                 Status

---- ----------------- -----------------  --------------------- ---------
1    32                32x40G Supervisor  N3K-C3132Q-V          active *

Mod  Sw                Hw     Slot
---  ----------------  ------ ----
1    7.0(3)I6(1)       1.0    NA

Mod  MAC-Address(es)                         Serial-Num
---  --------------------------------------  ----------
1    d4-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx to d4-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx  xxxx

Mod  Online Diag Status
---  ------------------
1    Fail

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