
AFF A700 上发生 host_port_fail

Last Updated:


  • Data ONTAP 8
  • ONTAP 9
  • AFF A700


  • 以下警报将在 EMS 中报告
HA Group Notification (HOST_PORT_FAIL - Disabled by IOM) ALERT
  • 中的 SAS 端口 PHY unknownrun -node cluster_rf_01 2 sasadmin adapter_sa tate 10c
cluster::> run -node cluster_01 2 sasadmin adapter_sa tate 10c
State for adapter channel 10c: UP (degraded)
Invald Disprt Loss Phy Phy
DWord Error Sync Reset Change
PHY STATE Count Count Count Prob Count
0 12.0 Gb/s 0 0 0 0 3
1 12.0 Gb/s 0 0 0 0 3
2 12.0 Gb/s 0 0 0 0 3
3 Rate unknown 0 0 0 0 4
中的 SAS 端口状态 online-degradedstorage port show
cluster::> storage port show
Speed VLAN Is
Node Port Type (Gb/s) State
Status ID Dedicat
------------------ ---- ----- ------ --------------- --------- ---- -------
10a SAS 12 enabled online - true
10b SAS 12 enabled online - true
10c SAS 12 enabled online - true
10d SAS 12 enabled online - true
1a SAS 12 enabled online - true
1b SAS 12 enabled online - true
1c SAS 12 enabled online - true
1d SAS 12 enabled online - true
9a SAS 12 enabled online - true
9b SAS 12 enabled online - true
9c SAS 12 enabled online - true
9d SAS 12 enabled online - true
10a SAS 12 enabled online - true
10b SAS 12 enabled online - true
10c SAS 12 enabled online-degraded - true
10d SAS 12 enabled online - true
1a SAS 12 enabled online - true
1b SAS 12 enabled online - true
1c SAS 12 enabled online - true
1d SAS 12 enabled online - true
9a SAS 12 enabled online - true
9b SAS 12 enabled online - true
9c SAS 12 enabled online - true
9d SAS 12 enabled online - true

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