- FAS 系统
- AFF系统
- Cisco 交换机上的端口
- Active IQ Digital Advisor
- 收到Active IQ风险警报:
Risk: This system has a high count of CRC errors accumulated on at least one data network port that should be investigated.
Description: This system has CRC errors on data port e0e.
Impact: High CRC errors counts, or link resets can result in packet loss and are typically caused by physical defects in the port, SFP, or cables
- 此端口已连接到数据交换机
部分AutoSupport或cluster::> ifstat -a
-- interface e0e (1 day, 1 hour, 11 minutes, 41 seconds) --
Total frames: 6821k | Frames/second: 75 | Total bytes: 6681m
Bytes/second: 73660 | Total errors: 151 | Errors/minute: 0
Total discards: 0 | Discards/minute: 0 | Multi/broadcast: 254k
Non-primary u/c: 0 | CRC errors: 151 | Runt frames: 0
Long frames: 0 | Length errors: 0 | Alignment errors: 0
No buffer: 0 | Pause: 0 | Jumbo: 0
Noproto: 0 | Bus overruns: 0 | LRO segments: 399m
- 两侧都更换了SFP
- 已更换节点和交换机之间的缆线
- 此时将清除节点端口上的统计信息、并返回CRC错误
::>run -node * ifstat -z e0e