
在集群的多个节点上发现 CRC 错误

Last Updated:


  • AFF-A700
  • ONTAP 9.1P12


  • 集群中多个节点上的多个端口会显示 CRC 错误
  • 所示的已记录 CRC 错误与良好帧的比率 ifstat 可忽略不计


-- interface e1c (78 days, 17 hours, 3 minutes, 56 seconds) --


Frames/second: 0 | Bytes/second: 0 | Errors/minute: 0

Discards/minute: 0 | Total frames: 64062k | Total bytes: 5604m

Total errors: 9 | Total discards: 376 | Multi/broadcast: 0

No buffers: 0 | Non-primary u/c: 0 | L2 terminate: 5751

Tag drop: 0 | Vlan tag drop: 0 | Vlan untag drop: 0

Vlan forwards: 0 | CRC errors: 9 | Alignment errors: 0

Runt frames: 0 | Long frames: 0 | IP checksum erro: 0

Frame Dropped: 376 | Pause frame: 0

收到的帧数为 6 , 400 万,而丢弃的帧数为 376 个,而 CRC 数量为 9 个。

-- interface e2a (18 days, 14 hours, 55 minutes, 17 seconds) --


Frames/second: 6009 | Bytes/second: 7514k | Errors/minute: 0

Discards/minute: 0 | Total frames: 8616m | Total bytes: 23332g

Total errors: 210 | Total discards: 349 | Multi/broadcast: 0

No buffers: 0 | Non-primary u/c: 0 | L2 terminate: 0

Tag drop: 0 | Vlan tag drop: 0 | Vlan untag drop: 0

Vlan forwards: 0 | CRC errors: 21 | Alignment errors: 0

Runt frames: 0 | Long frames: 0 | IP checksum erro: 0

Frame Dropped: 349 | Pause frame: 0

收到 80 亿个帧,而丢弃的帧为 349 个, CRC 为 21 个。

  • 系统运行正常,未出现延迟或其他问题
  • CRC 错误计数器只会增加少量,或者根本不会增加
  • ONTAP 未报告任何警告消息


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