
在集群 CLUSTER1 中未找到所需的镜像非根聚合

Last Updated:


  • MetroCluster 2 节点到 4 节点扩展
  • MetroCluster 4 节点到 8 节点扩展
  • ONTAP 9


  • 将网络结构 MetroCluster 从 2 个节点扩展到 4 个节点或从 4 个节点扩展到 8 个节点时,您可以运行 ::> metrocluster configure -refresh true[1] 扩展指南中所述的 configure refresh 命令。
  • 作业失败并显示错误。

CLUSTER1::*> metrocluster operation show
       Operation: configure
           State: failed
      Start Time: 6/12/2021 21:40:55
        End Time: 6/12/2021 21:40:56
          Errors: Required mirrored non-root aggregates were not found in cluster "CLUSTER1". MetroCluster configuration requires at least 2 mirrored non-root aggregates that are home, with at least 20GB of free space, in "online" state before running the configure command.

  • 当您尝试创建镜像聚合时,该聚合将失败并显示错误。

CLUSTER1::*> aggre create -aggregate aggr1 -disklist 3.30.6,3.30.7,3.30.8 -mirror-disklist 4.20.6,4.20.7,4.20.8 -node NODE1
  (storage aggregate create)

Error: command failed: Cannot create the aggregate because node "NODE1" is
       not fully configured for MetroCluster operations. MetroCluster
       configuration operations might be in progress. Wait a few minutes, then
       try the command again.


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