由于磁盘故障、MetroCluster 切回操作失败
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- Category:
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- Specialty:
- metrocluster<a>2009年270199</a>
- Last Updated:
- MetroCluster FC切回失败
- 由于切回失败、将生成以下事件:
[Node-01: notifyd: callhome.mcc.switchback.failed:EMERGENCY]: Call home for METROCLUSTER SWITCHBACK FAILED
- MetroCluster 切回失败、并显示以下错误:
Cluster-1 (manual recovery required): Some disks were left behind during switchback. They are listed along with a reason for failure: 4.27.1 (not responding)
If any of these disks are failed, replace them. Otherwise use the "metrocluster switchback" command again to return the disks to their original owner. Use the "storage disk show -dr-home-id !- -fields dr-home, container-type, aggregate" command for more details on the status of the left-behind disks.
- ONTAP 报告磁盘未响应:
[cluster-101: config_thread: raid.config.filesystem.disk.not.responding:notice]: File system Disk /aggr1_data/plex1/rg1/CL008:6.126L501 Shelf 27 Bay 1 [NETAPP X342_SSKBE1T2A10 NA02] S/N [WFKXXXXX] UID [5000C500:D1E41057:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] is not responding.
[cluster-101: config_thread: callhome.fdsk.noio:error]: Call home for FILESYSTEM DISK NOT RESPONDING
diskown.errorReadingOwnership:notice]: error 46 (disk condition triggered maintenance testing) while reading ownership on disk FC-UTOR-RZ-02:6.126L507 (S/N PEGD1TGX)