
VMware ESXi日志显示数据存储库不可用

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  • 光纤 MetroCluster
  • ONTAP 9
  • ATto 7500N/7600N光纤桥
  • VMware ESXi


  • ESXi日志显示的数据存储库大约不可用每30分钟。此数据存储库将在短时间内恢复可用。

2024-01-05T12:34:35.389Z info hostd[2115691] [Originator@6876 sub=Vimsvc.ha-eventmgr] Event 1372 : Lost access to volume 61fbad99-55ed7c20-f077-e4434b628350 (NA99B_S98SVM10L9HsanVMWARElogvol01) due to connectivity issues. Recovery attempt is in progress and outcome will be reported shortly.

2024-01-05T12:34:40.580Z info hostd[2115654] [Originator@6876 sub=Vimsvc.ha-eventmgr] Event 1373 : Successfully restored access to volume 61fbad99-55ed7c20-f077-e4434b628350 (NA99B_S98SVM10L9HsanVMWARElogvol01) following connectivity issues.

  • 检查前端连接后、节点或交换机上没有问题。
  • NetApp节点会记录show 命令以及设备超时和SCSI命令中止的错误、这些错误在重试时成功:

Tue Jan 16 10:02:43 +0100 [cl01n01: isp2400_timeout_2: fci.device.quiesce:debug]: Adapter 0g encountered a command timeout on Disk device sw1:8.126 (0x08070800) LUN 512 cdb 0x9a:00000000220c9999:0001:0030 retry: 0 Quiescing the device.
Tue Jan 16 10:02:44 +0100 [cl01n01: isp2400_timeout_2: fci.device.timeout:debug]: HBA 0g encountered a device timeout on Disk device sw1:8.126 (0x08070800) LUN 512 cdb 0x9a:00000000220c9999:0001:0030 retry: 0
Tue Jan 16 10:02:44 +0100 [cl01n01: isp2400_intrd: scsi.cmd.abortedByHost:error]: Disk device sw1:8.126L512: Command aborted by host adapter: HA status 0x4: cdb 0x9a:00000000220c9999:0001:0030. 
Tue Jan 16 10:02:44 +0100 [cl01n01: slifc_intrd: scsi.cmd.retrySuccess:debug]: Disk device sw1:9.126L512: request successful after retry #1/#0: cdb 0x9a:00000000220c9999:0001:0030 (10648).

  • 存在错误的磁盘路径对于一个ATto光纤桥接都是通用的。

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