MetroCluster 切回失败 - 等待 SVM 配置同步完成时操作超时
- ONTAP 9.6
- MetroCluster
MetroCluster 切回操作失败:
clusterA::> metrocluster operation history show -instance
Operation: switchback
State: failed
Errors: Failed to validate the node and cluster components before the switchback operation.
clusterA (non-overridable veto): The operation timed out while waiting for Vserver configuration synchronization to complete. Vserver resynchronization is continuing in the background. Run "metrocluster vserver show -cluster clusterA" on both clusters, wait until the "Configuration State" of all Vservers is "healthy", and then retry the operation. Contact technical support for assistance if any Vserver remains unhealthy as indicated by a "Configuration State" shown as "degraded" or "unhealthy".
检查 SVM 的状态时,所有均显示为运行状况良好:
clusterA::> metrocluster vserver show -cluster clusterA
Cluster : clusterA
Vserver : clusterA
Partner Vserver : clusterB
Configuration State : healthy
Stream Status : idle
Cluster : clusterA
Vserver : vs2
Partner Vserver : vs2-mc
Configuration State : healthy
Stream Status : idle