MetroCluster 站点之间SVM的LIF接口不一致
- MetroCluster
- SnapMirror
- SnapVault
- AutoSupport 报告"HA组通知(DR配置复制失败)错误"
- MetroCluster check lif报告警告:
Discovery of LIF with address 172.xx.xx.xx failed from destination cluster Ensure that the destination cluster has ports that have connectivity to the LIF on the source cluster."
- MetroCluser SVM停留在"正在同步"状态、并显示警告:
Table Name: snapmirror, Operation: get, Fields: OA05:OAxxx_O2S - OAFILE05 OAxxx_O2S XDP - 0 0d708367-852a-11ed-8d9e-d039ea17e9f8 3221226050 1073742402 SWxxxx01:OAxxx_O2S - SWxxxx01 OAxxx_O2S XDP none SWxxxx01-mc 1min - OAFILE05_O2S - unlimited - - - Idle - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2cf2111d-852d-11ed-8d9e-d039ea17e9f8 47c03a46-7ab6-11ed-8d9e-d039ea17e9f8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Extended_data_protection - - - - - - - - - - - 3221226040 1073742392 2d0292c0-5210-11ec-adf7-d039ea17e9f8 - - - - - - - - false - - - - - - - - - -
- 有问题的SnapMirror策略已
transfer schedule
在该策略上定义。 - 但是、即使策略已
transfer schedule
在灾难恢复站点上定义、也可以将某些策略复制到灾难恢复站点。 - 由于SnapMirror\SnapVault策略错误、无法 使用知识库文章MetroCluster SVM进行修复问题描述 、因为无法修改现有策略