

Last Updated:


  • MetroCluster FC
  • ATTO FibreBridge
  • ONTAP 9


  • 节点重新启动后、存储FC启动程序端口到FC-SAS网桥的FC链路关闭。
  • FC启动程序的状态为 OFFLINE (hard)

slot 2: FC Host Adapter 2c (Emulex XXXXX rev. 48, <OFFLINE (hard)>)
Board name:        111-0xxxxx
Serial Number:     FC529xxxxx
Firmware rev:
Host Port Id:      N/A
FC Node Name:      2:000:0090fa:xxxxxx
FC Port Name:      1:000:0090fa:xxxxxx
Link Data Rate:    N/A
slot 2: FC Host Adapter 2d (Emulex XXXXX rev. 48,<OFFLINE (hard)>)
Board name:        111-0xxxxx
Serial Number:     FC529xxxxx
Firmware rev:
Host Port Id:      N/A
FC Node Name:      2:000:0090fa:xxxxxx
FC Port Name:      1:000:0090fa:xxxxxx
Link Data Rate:    N/A

Cluster_01::*> storage port show
Node               Port Type (Gb/s) State    Status
------------------ ---- ---- ------ -------- ---------------
0a   SAS       0 enabled  offline
2b   FC       16 enabled  online
2c   FC        1 enabled  link-down
2d   FC        1 enabled  link-down

system health alert show
               Node: Cluster_01
           Resource: 2d
           Severity: Major
    Indication Time: Tue Dec 26 01:25:29 2023
           Suppress: false
        Acknowledge: false
     Probable Cause: FC initiator adapter 2d is at fault.
    Possible Effect: Resiliency of backend storage is compromised.
 Corrective Actions: 1. Ensure that the FC initiator link has not been tampered with.
                     2. Verify the operational status of the FC initiator
                     adapter by using the command "system node run -node
                     local -command storage show adapter".

               Node: Cluster_01
           Resource: FC_PORT_2
           Severity: Major
    Indication Time: Tue Dec 26 01:22:30 2023
           Suppress: false
        Acknowledge: false
     Probable Cause: The port "FC_PORT_2" on the bridge
                     "ATTO_X.X.X.X" is offline.

    Possible Effect: Failure of the port "FC_PORT_2" in the bridge
                     "ATTO_X.X.X.X" might cause loss of redundancy.
 Corrective Actions: 1) Check the operational status of the ports on the bridge by using the command "storage bridge show -ports".
                     2) Verify logical and physical connectivity to the port.


  • storage bridge show -ports 命令将网桥端口显示为 脱机

Cluster_01::*> storage bridge show -ports
     Bridge Name: ATTO_X.X.X.X
      Bridge WWN: 200000108xxxxxxx
          Vendor: Atto
           Model: FibreBridge 7500N
   Serial Number: FB7500NXXXXX
Firmware Version: 2.96 012U 125.06
   Management IP: X.X.X.X
          Errors: ATTO_X.X.X.X(200000108xxxxxxx):FC_PORT_2 is Offline.
                  ATTO_X.X.X.X(200000108xxxxxxx):Bridge is Unreachable over Management Network.
Last Update Time: 12/26/2023 01:59:49 +08:00

FC Ports:
      Admin    Oper                      Neg
Ports Status   Status  Port Mode       Speed WWPN
----- -------- ------- ------------- ------- ----------------
    1 enabled  online  n-port           16gb 210000108xxxxxxx
    2 enabled  offline unknown       unknown 220000108xxxxxxx

  • 将正常工作的FC启动程序端口中的缆线交换到错误的端口、以验证缆线和SFP。


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