

Last Updated:



  • MetroCluster交换机
  • 集群网络交换机
  • 采用NX-OS的Cisco Nexus交换机
  • 运行Cumulus Linux的NVIDIA交换机


操作 Cisco Nexus NVIDIA SN2100 - 5.X及更高版本
进入专用Exec模式 enable sudo (需要时按命令使用)
进入全局配置模式 configure -
启用/禁用分页 terminal length 0

nv show --paginate on|off

e.g. nv show --paginate on system

显示固件版本 show version nv show system
显示交换机硬件信息 show hardware

nv show platform

nv show platform environment

nv show platform hardware

nv show interface --view=pluggables

显示保存到交换机的所有RC框架 文件 dir bootflash: ls /tmp (if RCF has not been applied yet; will not be visible otherwise)
重新启动交换机 reload

sudo reboot

保存当前配置 copy running-config startup-config

nv config save

nv config apply (with auto-save option enabled, which is default)

显示交换机横幅 show banner motd cat /etc/issue
显示管理接口 show ip interface mgmt 0

nv show interface mgmt

ip route show vrf mgmt

删除启动配置 write erase Install Cumulus Linux in Cumulus Mode



操作 Cisco Nexus NVIDIA SN2100 - 5.X及更高版本
显示所有接口 show interface brief nv show interface
显示VLAN摘要 show vlan brief nv show interface
显示VLAN端口摘要 show vlan all-ports nv show interface
显示特定端口(例如端口9)的配置 show running-config interface ethernet 1/9

nv show interface <if_name>

nv show interface swp3

禁用/启用(关闭或不关闭)端口 转至KB

nv set interface <if_name> link state down|up

nv config apply
显示交换机日志(内存中) show logging log

cd /var/log

ls -l

cat or vi

显示交换机日志(持久) -

cd /var/log

ls -l

cat or vi

显示端口统计信息 show interface ethernet 1/9

nv show interface <if_name>

nv show interface swp3

清除所有端口统计信息 clear counters -
显示邻居设备 show cdp neighbors nv show interface neighbor
显示运行配置和启动配置之间的差异 show running-config diff nv config diff
显示收发器电源 show interface transceiver details nv show interface --view=pluggables
显示端口通道 show port-channel summary nv show interface
显示SFP信息  show interface transceiver nv show interface --view=pluggables


操作 Cisco Nexus NVIDIA SN2100 - 5.X及更高版本
显示当前配置 show running-config

nv config show

nv config show -o commands

显示启动配置 show startup-config

nv config show --startup -o commands

nv config show --rev=startup

收集支持包 show tech-support

sudo cl-support

cd /var/log

ls -l

Gather log files from here

收集详细支持包 show tech-support details

sudo cl-support

cd /var/log

ls -l

Gather log files from here




NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer's responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.