
ONTAP Select许可证在数据聚合上显示"不合规"和"缺少租约"


  • ONTAP Select
  • 容量池许可


新的/更新的容量池许可证、已更新、但在 ONTAP Deploy图形用户界面中显示剩余0 TB、到期日期为正确的未来日期:10/30/20xx。 

 CLUSTER::*> system license show-status
Status License Scope Detailed Status--------- ------------------- --------- ---------------------- not-compliant CapacityPool pool Pool: pool_33100xxxx, Size: 36TB, Remaining: 0B, Expiration: 10/30/20xx 17:59:59. Due to insufficient capacity entitlements, aggregates will be prevented from being brought online if they go offline. CLUSTER-NODE-01: Licensed capacity: 0B. Total aggregate physical size (excluding root): 18.00TB. CLUSTER-NODE-02: Licensed capacity: 0B. Total aggregate physical size (excluding root): 18.00TB.

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