- MetroCluster FC
- ONTAP 9.14.1Px
- 双节点MetroCluster
- Kerberos
- 灾难恢复配置复制失败
Cluster : cluster1
Vserver : svm-1
Partner Vserver : svm-1-mc
Configuration State : degraded
Stream Status : operation-failed
Corrective Action : Resynchronize the configuration using "metrocluster vserver resync" command. Contact technical support for assistance if configuration-state does not change to healthy.
Failed Row : Table Name: vifsbyname, Operation: get, Fields: svm-1-mc lif1-svm-1 custom-data - data nfs cifs x.x 00 false - - a0a a0a up - true up system-defined mgmt false - none false false load NAS - ipv4 - -xxxxx -nic - if-group
Failed Reason : Apply failed for Object: vifsbyname Method: baseline. Reason: NFS Kerberos is enabled on LIF "lif1-svm-1" of Vserver "svm-1-mc". Disable Kerberos using the command "vserver nfs kerberos interface disable -vserver svm-1-mc -lif lif1-svm-1" and try again.