
Bridge Unexpected reboot - AutoSupport 消息

Last Updated:


  • ATTO 6500N FibreBridge
  • ATTO 7500N FibreBridge
  • ATTO 7600N FibreBridge
  • MetroCluster
  • ONTAP 9.3+
  • EMS 消息

Tue Feb 26 14:34:54 UTC [node1: dsbridge_admin: callhome.bridge.reboot.unexp:alert]: Call home for Bridge Unexpected Reboot: FB7500N10xxxx

  • BRRDRBT:HA组通知来自


启动 ONTAP 9.3 每当 ATTO FibreBridge 意外重新启动时都会发送 AutoSupport 消息“ Bridge Unexpected reboot ”。


  • 计划重新启动(固件重新启动) 
  • 需要重新启动的配置更改
  • 固件升级
  • 启动


  1. 检查所有网桥当前是否处于联机状态且运行状况良好:

storage bridge show

ClusterA::> stor bridge show
  (storage bridge show)
                                       Is        Monitor Managed                                               Is Bridge
Bridge                  Symbolic Name Monitored Status  By      Vendor Model                 Bridge WWN        Secure
----------------------  ------------- --------- ------- ------- ------ --------------------- ----------------  ---------
ATTO_2000001086611bcc    atto1a       true      ok     -       Atto   FibreBridge 7500N     2000001086611bcc  true
ATTO_200000108661261e    atto1b     true      ok     -       Atto   FibreBridge 7500N     200000108661261e  true
ATTO_200000108661360a    atto2a      true      ok     -       Atto   FibreBridge 7500N     200000108661360a  true
ATTO_2000001086614628    atto2b       true      ok     -       Atto   FibreBridge 7500N     2000001086614628  true


  1. 有关重新启动的网桥的信息,请查看事件日志:

event log show -severity INFORMATIONAL,DEBUG -event *bridge.*

ClusterA::> event log show -severity INFORMATIONAL,DEBUG -event *bridge.*
Time                Node          Severity      Event
------------------- ------------- ----------- ---------------------------
4/29/2022 13:48:29  ClusterA-01  DEBUG          bridge.rebooted: FC-to-SAS bridge b6510-4_siteB:8.126L0 [ATTO FibreBridge7500N 3.17] S/N [FB7500N101234] was rebooted.
4/29/2022 13:48:24  ClusterA-01  INFORMATIONAL bridge.discovered: FC-to-SAS bridge b6510-4_siteB:8.126L0 [ATTO FibreBridge7500N 3.17] S/N [FB7500N101234] was discovered.
4/29/2022 13:47:39  ClusterA-01  INFORMATIONAL bridge.removed: FC-to-SAS bridge b6510-3_siteB:8.126L0 [ATTO FibreBridge7500N 3.17] S/N [FB7500N101234] was removed.


  • 验证是否已打开支持案例。
  • 通常,不需要额外的数据来将问题描述 作为根发生原因 (除非使用的是最少的 AutoSupport 消息)。
  • 根据NetApp支持的请求、可能需要上传网桥核心文件。

Please contact NetApp Technical Support or log into the NetApp Support Site to create a technical case. Reference this article for further assistance.


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