
由于MetroCluster IP中存在一个T写 卡错误、ANDU已暂停

metrocluster<a>For Translation</a><a>2009851723</a>
Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • MetroCluster IP
  • 自动无中断升级(ANDU)
  • 双40/100G以太网T62100-CR卡
  • 无接管 


  • 在MetroCluster IP系统上启动ANDU ONTAP升级后不久、其中一个节点上的"T"卡报告致命错误:

Tue Apr 13 11:00:26 +0100 [NodeA_01: intr: netif.fatal.err:alert]: The network device in slot 1 encountered fatal error e1a/e1b.

  • 这两个端口的状态都将更改为 offline

slot 1: Dual 40/100G Ethernet T62100-CR
      e1a MAC Address:   00:07:43:6f:ee:b0 (auto-unknown-fd-down)
      e1b MAC Address:   00:07:43:6f:ee:b8 (auto-unknown-fd-down)
      Device Type:     T6 2
      Firmware Version:
      Part Number:     110122860E0
      Hardware Revision:  0
      Serial Number:    PT12345678

  • 由于接管失败、ONTAP ADNU已暂停:

[?]  Tue Apr 13 11:00:26 +0100 [NodeA_01: upgrademgr: upgrademgr.update.pausedErr:error]: The automated update of the cluster has been paused due to the following reason:  Node "NodeA_02": Error: {Takeover failed.}, Action: {Use the "storage failover takeover -ofnode NodeA_01" command to trigger the takeover of the node "NodeA_01".}.

  • 两个节点均在运行并提供数据、但未发生接管:

ClusterA::> storage failover show
Node       Partner     Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
ClusterA-01   ClusterA-02   false   Waiting for ClusterA-02, Takeover is
                    not possible: Storage failover
                    mailbox disk state is invalid,
                    Storage failover interconnect error,
                    NVRAM log not synchronized
ClusterA-02   ClusterA-01   false   Waiting for ClusterA-01, Takeover is
                    not possible: Storage failover
                    interconnect error, NVRAM log not
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