TSM snapdiff备份失败、并显示错误"授权失败"
- IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1 (以前称为TSM"Tivoli Storage Manager")
- IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive Client 8.1
- Snapdiff 增量备份
- Snapdiff 备份无法在数据 SVM 级别启动(使用具有 vsadmin 角色的 snapdiff 用户)
- Snapdiff备份操作失败并显示TSM错误:
C:\Program Files\tivoli\TSM\baclient>dsmc i \\svm1\vol -snapdiff
Incremental by snapshot difference of volume '\\svm1\vol'
ANS2839E Failed with ONTAPI error 'Authorization failed' while connecting to NetApp Filer 'SVM' using user id 'snapdiff-user'. You might have provided credentials incorrectly for this Filer.
ANS2832E Incremental by snapshot difference failed for \\svm1\vol. See the error log for details.
ANS1228E Sending of object '\\svm1\vol' failed.
ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.
- ONTAP 可能会显示以下事件
security.invalid.login: Failed to authenticate login attempt to Vserver: svm1
- 客户端服务跟踪在TSM显示以下错误:
[xxx] : ..\..\common\hci\NAHWInterface.cpp(6062): naEstablishConnection():
system-get-version: failed: rc=10061, reason='Can't connect to host (err=10061).'
- 当针对Admin-SVM的集群管理LIF (使用具有管理员角色的snapdiff用户)时、备份工作正常。