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- Last Updated:
- 存储效率
在非 AFF 系统上启用使用实时重复数据删除的选项后收到错误:
cluster_CLI::> run -node * "options sis.idedup_allow_non_aff_hya on"
2 entries were acted on.
Node: ClusterA-01
Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp
personnel only.
You are changing option sis.idedup_allow_non_aff_hya, which applies to
both members of the HA configuration in takeover mode.
This value must be the same on both HA members to ensure correct
takeover and giveback operation.
Node: ClusterA-02
Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp
personnel only.
You are changing option sis.idedup_allow_non_aff_hya, which applies to
both members of the HA configuration in takeover mode.
This value must be the same on both HA members to ensure correct
takeover and giveback operation.
::*> aggr efficiency modify -aggregate aggr2 -cross-volume-background-dedupe true Error: command failed: Error in modifying storage efficiency on aggregate "aggr2" Reason: Cross volume deduplication is supported only on volumes that are owned by nodes that are All-Flash optimized personality enabled.