修改 CIFS 服务器域失败,并显示错误 " 原因:无法为 " 域 " 创建域条目。原因:条目重复。
- 修改 CIFS 服务器域失败,并显示错误 "
Reason: Failed to create a domain entry for"NASLAB". Reason: duplicate entry."
CDOT::*> cifs modify -vserver svm1 -cifs-server svm1 -domain naslab.local -ou CN=Computers -default-site "" -status-admin up
In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server, you must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the "NASLAB.LOCAL" domain.
Enter the user name: Administrator
Enter the password:
Error: command failed: Failed to modify CIFS server "svm1" to join domain "NASLAB.LOCAL". Reason: Failed to create a domain entry for"NASLAB". Reason: duplicate entry. Use the "vserver cifs delete" command to delete the CIFS server. Then use the (privilege: advanced)"vserver cifs users-and-groups remove-stale-records" command to clean up all the stale local user and group entries for the Vserver. Then use the "vserver cifs create" command to join the new domain