

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • StorageGRID
  • F5网络负载平衡器


  • 由于硬件故障、ONTAP内置集群崩溃中的节点已被接管。

  • 节点已恢复、但交还失败、并且重新启动的节点所拥有的聚合上存在无法访问的对象存储。

cluster::> aggregate object-store show
  (storage aggregate object-store show)
Aggregate      Object Store Name Availability   Mirror Type
-------------- ----------------- -------------  -----------
node1_aggr2   NPH_StorageGRID   available      primary
node3_aggr1   NPH_StorageGRID   unavailable    primary
node3_aggr2   NPH_StorageGRID   available      primary

6/8/2024 08:53:51   NODE04     ERROR    Unable to connect to the object store "StorageGRID" from node 266af68c-6536-11e8-bcdd-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Reason: Connection unavailable.
6/8/2024 08:31:12   NODE04         ALERT         sfo.giveback.attemptExceeded: Attempts for automatic giveback of SFO aggregates exceeded the maximum number (3) of allowed attempts.
6/8/2024 08:30:36   NODE04         ALERT         sfo.giveback.failed: Giveback of aggregate node3_aggr2 failed due to destination check failed.
6/8/2024 08:30:36   NODE04         ALERT         sfo.sendhome.subsystemAbort: The giveback operation of 'node3_aggr2' was aborted by 'fabric pools'.
6/8/2024 08:30:36   NODE04         ERROR         gb.netra.ca.check.failed: Giveback of aggregate 'node3_aggr2' (uuid: 27f187b6-45f7-4125-b1ac-xxxxxxxxxxxx) failed due to Object store is not reachable on destination preventing object store access on the destination node.

  • 集群间LIF在节点上运行状况良好、可用于对对象存储执行ping操作。

  • 使用HTTPS并启用SSL验证。

    cluster::> storage aggregate object-store config show -fields server,port
    object-store-name server                         port
    ----------------- ------------------------------ ----
    StorageGRID       storagegrid.domain.com         443

  • 有一个自定义的CA颁发机构和证书配置。

  • 证书已过期。

cluster::*> security certificate truststore check -server storagegrid.domain.com -vserver cluster

Error: command failed: Failed to verify server's certificate chain. Reason: certificate has expired

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