- 当位于外部磁盘架中的一个PSU首次关闭电源时、两个节点上应显示以下EMS事件:
Thu Aug 18 13:28:59 +0900 [Nodename: dsa_worker2: ses.status.psWarning:error]: DS224-12 (S/N SHFNCxxxx000xxx) shelf 1 on channel 0a power warning for Power supply 1: warning status; DC undervoltage. This module is on the rear of the shelf at the bottom left.
Thu Aug 18 13:29:26 +0900 [Nodename: dsa_worker2: ses.status.psError:alert]: DS224-12 (S/N SHFNCxxxx000xxx) shelf 1 on channel 0a power error for Power supply 1: critical status; AC Fail. This module is on the rear of the shelf at the bottom left.
Thu Aug 18 13:29:26 +0900 [Nodename: dsa_worker2: callhome.shlf.power.intr:error]: Call home for SHELF POWER INTERRUPTED
Thu Aug 18 13:29:35 +0900 [Nodename: statd: monitor.shelf.fault:alert]: Critical fault reported on disk storage shelf attached to channel 0a. Check fans, power supplies, disks, and temperature sensors.
Thu Aug 18 13:29:35 +0900 [Nodename: statd: callhome.shlf.fault:error]: Call home for SHELF_FAULT
- 如果同一PSU在6小时内关闭电源、
Thu Aug 18 13:43:26 +0900 [Nodename: dsa_worker2: callhome.shlf.power.intr:error]: Call home for SHELF POWER INTERRUPTED
Thu Aug 18 13:43:35 +0900 [Nodename: statd: monitor.shelf.fault:alert]: Critical fault reported on disk storage shelf attached to channel 0a. Check fans, power supplies, disks, and temperature sensors.
Thu Aug 18 13:43:35 +0900 [Nodename: statd: callhome.shlf.fault:error]: Call home for SHELF_FAULT
- 这是外部磁盘架的预期行为、来自同一警报资源的相同警告消息会在6小时内被禁止。
- 可以通过确认PSU状态
system node run -node * -command environment status
- 如果位于内部磁盘架(机箱)中的PSU发生故障、则这两个EMS事件将永远不会被禁止。