- 无法在
storage failover takeover
自动无中断升级(ANDU)期间接管配对系统。 - takeover命令成功、但接管最终失败;输出
storage failover show-takeover
Node Node Status Aggregate Takeover Status
---------- --------------------- -------------- -------------------------------
node01 Optimized takeover
of partner aborted.
Run the command
"storage failover
show-takeover -node
node02" to display
the relocation
status of the
the partner. - -
node02 Optimized takeover
by partner aborted.
SFO aggregates Failed, could not disable
background disk firmware
updates (BDFU) on node01.
Wait a few minutes then try
the operation again.
CFO aggregates Not attempted yet.
- 在BDFU升级后、有一个磁盘仍保持脱机状态(无通知、它已恢复联机):
[?] Mon Feb 10 12:01:18 CET [node01: bg_disk_fw_update_a: bdfu.selected:info]: Disk 0a.10.5 [NETAPP X423_TA14E900A10 NA01] S/N [A1B2C34DE5FG] selected for background disk firmware update.
[?] Mon Feb 10 12:01:18 CET [node01: config_thread: raid.disk.assign.offline_ref:notice]: aggregate /aggr1/plex0/rg1/3a.12.11 assigned as an offline reference storage for /aggr1/plex0/rg1/0a.10.5.
[?] Mon Feb 10 12:01:18 CET [node01: config_thread: raid.disk.assign.offline_ref:notice]: aggregate /aggr1/plex0/rg1/3c.20.0 assigned as an offline reference storage for /aggr1/plex0/rg1/0a.10.5.
[?] Mon Feb 10 12:01:31 CET [node01: dyn_dev_qual_admin: dfu.fwDownloaded:notice]: Firmware downloaded to Disk 0a.10.5 [NETAPP X423_TA14E900A10 NA02] S/N [A1B2C34DE5FG] successfully.
- sysconfig-R (
node run -node <node> sysconfig -r
RAID Disk Device HA SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type RPM Used (MB/blks) Phys (MB/blks)
--------- ------ ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- -------------- --------------
data 0a.10.5 0a 10 5 SA:A 0 SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768 (offline)