

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • AFF-A700
  • NS224シェルフ 


  • イベントログから、 ノードのパニック後にNoPathToNSMB_Alertが報告されたことを確認できます。

Mon Sep 18 07:44:18 +0530 [PUNOLIOSANAF01-01: nchmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 6821354745569517568 raised by monitor node-connect

Mon Sep 18 07:21:32 +0530 [PUNOLIOSANAF01-01: nvmf_poller_1: sk.panic:alert]: Panic String: PCI Error NMI from device(s):ErrSrcID(CorrSrc(0xac40),UCorrSrc(0)), RPT(128,3,0):PLX PCIE 8764 switch on Controller, Br[8764](172,8,0): Link down.  in SK process nvmf_poller_1 on release 9.12.1P5 (C)

  • 次のアラートは、両方のノードの[System Health Alert]セクションに表示されます。

Alert ID: NoPathToNSMB_Alert
Description: Controller PUNOLIOSANAF01-01 is connected only to module A of shelf 1.0 through port e3a.

Alert ID: NoPathToNSMB_Alert
Description:Controller PUNOLIOSANAF01-02 is connected only to module A of shelf 1.0 through port e3b.

  • 両方のノードがマルチパスHAとして構成されています。

NetApp Release 9.12.1P5: Fri Jul 21 05:05:49 EDT 2023
System ID: 0538063584 (PUNOLIOSANAF01-01); partner ID: 0538063552 (PUNOLIOSANAF01-02)
System Serial Number: 792317000024 (PUNOLIOSANAF01-01)
System Rev: B1
System Storage Configuration: Multi-Path HA

NetApp Release 9.12.1P5: Fri Jul 21 05:05:49 EDT 2023
System ID: 0538063552 (PUNOLIOSANAF01-02); partner ID: 0538063584 (PUNOLIOSANAF01-01)
System Serial Number: 792317000039 (PUNOLIOSANAF01-02)
System Rev: B1
System Storage Configuration: Multi-Path HA

  • シェルフ側では、NSM Bはイーサネットポートとノード名を検出しません。ポート1と2はNSM Aに接続され、ポート3と4はNSM Bに接続されています。

Shelf 0: NS224NSM100  Firmware rev. NSM100 A: 0203  NSM100 B: 0203
[1] MAC address: d0:39:ea:aa:85:62  Attached MAC address: e8:eb:d3:bf:a9:20
Attached port: e3a  Attached chassis: d0:39:ea:54:82:c0
Attached manufacturer: PUNOLIOSANAF01-01
Cable serial number: 93A2232621128  Cable vendor name: Molex
Cable id: QSFP28  Cable end: 0
Cable technology: passive copper  Cable length: 2m
[2] MAC address: d0:39:ea:aa:85:63  Attached MAC address: e8:eb:d3:bf:b1:29
Attached port: e3b  Attached chassis: d0:39:ea:54:82:ac
Attached manufacturer: PUNOLIOSANAF01-02
Cable serial number: 93A2232720348  Cable vendor name: Molex
Cable id: QSFP28  Cable end: 1
Cable technology: passive copper  Cable length: 2m
[3] MAC address: d0:39:ea:aa:85:67  Attached MAC address: <N/A>
Attached port: <N/A> Attached chassis: <N/A>  <-------------
Attached manufacturer: <N/A>  <-------------
Cable serial number: 93A2232621103  Cable vendor name: Molex     <-------- e3a node PUNOLIOSANAF01-02
Cable id: QSFP28  Cable end: 0
Cable technology: passive copper  Cable length: 2m
[4] MAC address: d0:39:ea:aa:85:68  Attached MAC address: <N/A>
Attached port: <N/A> Attached chassis: <N/A>   <-------------
Attached manufacturer: <N/A>     <-------------
Cable serial number: 93A2232720118  Cable vendor name: Molex
Cable id: QSFP28  Cable end: 1
Cable technology: passive copper  Cable length: 2m          <-------- e3b node PUNOLIOSANAF01-01


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