

Last Updated:


  • NS224磁盘架
  • NSM100模块正在更新磁盘架固件


  • NS224磁盘架的模块在 SYSCONFIG -A 各个节点下显示的固件版本不同
Shelf 1: NS224NSM100 Firmware rev. NSM100 A: 0151 NSM100 B: 0141
  • 消息日志显示正在启动的A模块的更新

Wed Feb 16 16:05:13 +0100 [node-02: dsa_sfu: sfu.downloadStarted:info]: Update of disk shelf firmware started on 2 shelves.
Wed Feb 16 16:05:13 +0100 [node-02: dsa_worker2: sfu.ctrllerElmntsPerShelf:info]: [storage download shelf]: 2 ES controller elements can be updated on 0x.shelf11.
Wed Feb 16 16:05:13 +0100 [node-02: dsa_worker2: sfu.ctrllerElmntsPerShelf:info]: [storage download shelf]: 2 ES controller elements can be updated on 0m.shelf1.
Wed Feb 16 16:05:13 +0100 [node-02: dsa_worker2: sfu.downloadingController:info]: [storage download shelf]: Downloading NSM100.0151.SFW on disk shelf controller module A on 0x.shelf11.
Wed Feb 16 16:05:13 +0100 [node-02: dsa_worker2: sfu.downloadingController:info]: [storage download shelf]: Downloading NSM100.0151.SFW on disk shelf controller module A on 0m.shelf1.
Wed Feb 16 16:05:16 +0100 [node-02: dsa_sfu: sfu.rebootRequest:info]: Issuing a request to reboot disk shelf 0x.shelf11 module A.

  • 在更新模块固件时、相应的磁盘路径将暂时脱机

Wed Feb 16 16:09:16 +0100 [node-02: dsa_sfu: sfu.download.done.details:notice]: [storage download shelf]: Download of firmware file on 0x.shelf11 might not have been completed on one module because path to first module not available. An attempt to download again will be done in the next cycle.
Wed Feb 16 16:09:19 +0100 [node-02: dsa_sfu: sfu.download.done.details:notice]: [storage download shelf]: Download of firmware file on 0m.shelf1 might not have been completed on one module because path to first module not available. An attempt to download again will be done in the next cycle.

Wed Feb 16 16:09:45 +0100 [node-02: nchmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMA_Alert , Alerting Resource = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx raised by monitor node-connect

  • 更新域上的模块后、另一端也会启动相同的过程
Wed Feb 16 16:26:24 +0100 [node-02: dsa_worker0: sfu.ctrllerElmntsPerShelf:info]: [storage download shelf]: 1 ES controller element can be updated on 0x.shelf11.
Wed Feb 16 16:26:24 +0100 [node-02: dsa_worker0: sfu.downloadingController:info]: [storage download shelf]: Downloading NSM100.0151.SFW on disk shelf controller module B on 0x.shelf11.
Wed Feb 16 16:26:27 +0100 [node-02: dsa_sfu: sfu.rebootRequest:info]: Issuing a request to reboot disk shelf 0x.shelf11 module B.
Wed Feb 16 16:30:28 +0100 [node-02: dsa_sfu: sfu.downloadSuccess:info]: [storage download shelf]: Firmware file NSM100.0151.SFW downloaded on 0x.shelf11.
  • 完成NSM模块上的固件更新可能需要较长时间

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