
NS224 中的 NSM100 模块不可用

Last Updated:


  • 使用NS224磁盘架的所有AFF系统
  • NSM100磁盘架模块


  • 连接到同一NSM100模块的两个节点上的存储端口均发生故障

[node_name-1: kernel: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e5a: Link down, check cable.
[node_name-1: intr: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e5a-30: Link down, check cable.
[node_name-1: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.pastTimeToLive:error]: Disk device e5a.40.0.0L0: request failed after try #1: cdb 0xe2.

[node_name-2: kernel: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e3b: Link down, check cable.
[node_name-2: intr: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e3b-30: Link down, check cable.
[node_name-2: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.pastTimeToLive:error]: Disk device e3b.40.1.12L0: request failed after try #1: cdb 0xe2.

  • 报告NS224磁盘架路径丢失的事件消息:

[node_name-1: nchmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = NoPathToNSMB_Alert , Alerting Resource = 012345678910111213 raised by monitor node-connect
[node_name-1: dsa_disc: shelf.config.tomixed:notice]: System has transitioned to a mixture of single path, multi-path or quad-path storage configurations.


EventMessage = warning event on node_name-1 (Disk Shelf Multipath Not Configured)
ocumEventMessageDetails = Disk shelf has either one or no path connected to the node.


  • system health alert show 输出:

Monitor node-connect
Alert ID NoPathToNSMA_Alert
Subsystem SAS-connect
Indication Time Sun May 08 22:44:17 2022
Perceived Severity Major
Probable Cause Cable_tamper
Description Controller node_name-1 is connected only to module B of shelf 10.10 through port e3b.
Corrective Actions
1. Consult the guide applicable to your NVMe storage shelf to review cabling rules for your system.
2. Connect controller node_name-1 to module A and module B of shelf 10.10.
Possible Effect You will lose access to shelf 10.10 if module B fails.

  • system node run -node node_name-1 -command sysconfig -a 输出、显示一个路径已关闭和一个"缺失"模块:

slot 0: 40G/100G Ethernet Controller CX5
   e0c MAC Address:   00:11:22:33:44:55 (auto-100g_cr4-fd-up)
      QSFP Vendor:      Molex
      QSFP Part Number:   112-00574
      QSFP Serial Number:  99A0123456789
      00.0.0: NETAPP   X4011S172B3T8NTE NA56 3662.5GB 4160B/sect (S99YNA9MB00001)
      00.0.23: NETAPP   X4011S172B3T8NTE NA56 3662.5GB 4160B/sect (S99YNA9MB00024)
      Shelf 0: NS224NSM100  Firmware rev. NSM100 A: 0151  B: ----
slot 0: 40G/100G Ethernet Controller CX5
   e0f MAC Address:   d0:39:ea:15:0b:d0 (auto-unknown-fd-down)
      QSFP Vendor:      Molex
      QSFP Part Number:   112-00574
      QSFP Serial Number:  99A0123456780


  • 当一个模块出现故障时、系统将从多路径HA配置过渡到单路径HA配置:

::>storage shelf show -instance
                Monitor   Is    ... Operational Module
ID Part No.    ES Serial No. is Active Master ... Status    Location
--- ------------ ------------- --------- ------ ... ----------- --------------
  a -       -        true    false  ... error    rear of the shelf at the top, on module A
  b 111-04256+B1 xxxxxxxxxxxx  true    true   ... normal    rear of the shelf at the bottom, on module B


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