NetApp Knowledge Base site will be down for 3 hours between Oct 26, 23:59 PST and Oct 27, 02:59 PST, for system maintenance and infrastructure update.


Last Updated:


  • AFF 型号
  • FAS 型号
  • ONTAP 9
  • FIPS 或 SED 驱动器


  • 在硬件维护之后,节点会报告以下内容:

[localhost:disk.encryptNoSupport:ALERT]: Detected FIPS-certified encrypting drive 0n.4, but FIPS drives are not supported on this node. 48 of 48 disks checked are FIPS-certified.

Dec 01 14:34:15 [localhost:disk.encryptNoSupport:error]: Detected FIPS-certified encrypting disk 0b.00.3, but bootarg.storageencryption.support indicates that FIPS disks should not be present. 24 of 24 disks checked are FIPS disks.

  • 节点在等待交还时仍会生成以下错误:
Waiting for giveback...(Press Ctrl-C to abort wait)Entering FM state:5 because mbFound:0 local in headswap:0
Entering FM state:5 because mbFound:0 local in headswap:0
Entering FM state:5 because mbFound:0 local in headswap:0
Entering FM state:5 because mbFound:0 local in headswap:0
Entering FM state:5 because mbFound:0 local in headswap:0
  • 集群报告以下内容:
Cluster1::> storage failover show
Node           Partner        Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
Cluster1-01    Cluster1-02    -        Kernel loaded
Cluster1-02    Cluster1-01    false    In takeover
2 entries were displayed.


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