
在具有动态阈值的ONTAP 版本中报告可更正的内存错误

Last Updated:



  • 9.1P18及更高版本的P
  • 9.3P11及更高版本的P
  • 9.4P6及更高版本的P
  • 9.5及更高版本的主要版本


  • AFF A900/FAS9500
  • AFF A800/ AFF C800
  • AFF A700
  • AFF A700/FAS9000
  • AFF A400/FASC400/FAS8300/FAS4700 AFF
  • AFF A300/FAS8200
  • AFF A250/ AFF C250/FAS500f
  • AFF A220 / AFF C190/FAS27x0
  • AFF A200/FAS26x0
  • AFF80或FAS80
  • CECCCountMemErrAlert

注意:对于所有其他ONTAP平台和ONTAP版本,请参见 如何对FAS和AFF系统上的可更正内存错误进行故障排除


  • 运行状况警报AutoSupport消息:

HA Group Notification (Health Monitor process nphm: CriticalCECCCountMemErrAlert[DIMM-16]) ALERT

  • EMS报告:

[Cluster-01: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.critical:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process nphm: CriticalCECCCountMemErrAlert[DIMM-16].

  • 运行状况监控器报告

::> system health alert show
        Node: Node1
      Alert ID: CriticalCECCCountMemErrAlert
      Resource: DIMM-16
      Severity: Critical
   Indication Time: Wed Jan 10 16:45:18 2024
      Suppress: false
     Acknowledge: false
   Probable Cause: The DIMM has degraded, leading to memory errors.
  Possible Effect: Memory issues can lead to a catastrophic system panic,
           which can lead to data downtime on the node.
 Corrective Actions: 1. Contact technical support to obtain a new DIMM of the same specification.
           2. If possible, perform a takeover of this node and bring the node down for maintenance.
           3. Refer to the DIMM replacement guide for your given hardware platform to replace the DIMM.
           4. Bring the storage system online.

  • Memory DIMM show将DIMM状态报告为降级

Cluster::>memory dimm show
              DIMM     UECC  CECC  Alert    CPU           Slot          Failure
Node          Name    Count Count Method Socket Channel Number Status    Reason
------------- ------- ----- ----- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- --------
              DIMM-1      0     0 bucket      1       0      0 ok          none
              DIMM-2      0     0 bucket      1       0      1 ok          none
              DIMM-3      0     0 bucket      1       1      0 ok          none
              DIMM-4      0     0 bucket      1       1      1 ok          none
              DIMM-5      0     0 bucket      1       3      1 ok          none
              DIMM-6      0     0 bucket      1       3      0 ok          none
              DIMM-7      0     0 bucket      1       2      1 ok          none
              DIMM-8      0     0 bucket      1       2      0 ok          none
              DIMM-9      0     0 bucket      0       2      0 ok          none
              DIMM-10     0     0 bucket      0       2      1 ok          none
              DIMM-11     0     0 bucket      0       3      0 ok          none
              DIMM-12     0     0 bucket      0       3      1 ok          none
              DIMM-13     0     0 bucket      0       1      1 ok          none
              DIMM-14     0     0 bucket      0       1      0 ok          none
              DIMM-15     0     0 bucket      0       0      1 ok          none
              DIMM-16     0     0 bucket      0       0      0 degraded   none


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