

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • 延伸型 MetroCluster


  • 节点上的一个FC端口已关闭:
slot 1: FC Host Adapter 1c (Emulex XE201 rev. 48, <DOWN>)
Board name:     111-02455
Serial Number:   FCXXXXXX77
Firmware rev:
Host Port Id:    N/A
FC Node Name:    2:000:00109b:25b9bc
FC Port Name:    1:000:00109b:25b9bc
SFP Vendor:     AVAGO
SFP Part Number:  AFBR-57F5MZ-NA1
SFP Serial Number: AA1XXXXX1RD
SFP Capabilities:  4, 8 or 16 Gbit
Link Data Rate:   N/A
  • 连接到上述节点端口的ATto网桥FC端口也已关闭、并且网桥报告以下错误:
ATTO_161.XXX.XX.XXX(200000XXXXXXXXX):FC_PORT_1 is Offline.
Cluster1::> storage bridge show
                    Is     Monitor
Bridge           Symbolic Name Monitored Status  Vendor Model          Bridge WWN
------------------------ ------------- --------- ------- ------ --------------------- ----------------
ATTO_161.XXX.XX.XX4    Node1-br1
                    true    ok    Atto   FibreBridge 7500N    200XXXXXXXXX7c00
ATTO_161.XXX.XX.XX5    Node1-br2
                    true    ok    Atto   FibreBridge 7500N    200XXXXXXXXX7900
ATTO_161.XXX.XX.XX6    Node1-br3
                    true    ok    Atto   FibreBridge 7500N    200XXXXXXXXX6600
ATTO_161.XXX.XX.XX7    Node1-br4
                    true    error  Atto   FibreBridge 7500N    200XXXXXXXXX7b40            
4 entries were displayed.
  • 受影响节点将转换为"混合路径"配置:
NetApp Release 9.3P7: Wed Jul 25 06:16:06 EDT 2018
System ID: 0538031811 (Node-01)
System Serial Number: 45XXXXXXXX8 (Node-01)
System Rev: A4
System Storage Configuration: Mixed-Path
  • StorageBridgePortDown_AlertFC-AL LINK_FAILURE 事件日志中报告的警报:
[Node-01: slifc_intrd: fci.link.break:error]: Link break detected on Fibre Channel adapter 1c.
[Node-01: lhm_main: callhome.fc.al.link:alert]: Call home for FC-AL LINK_FAILURE (1c)
[Node-01: schmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = StorageBridgePortDown_Alert , Alerting Resource = 200XXXXXXXXX7b40 raised by monitor system-connect
[Node-01: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process schm: StorageBridgePortDown_Alert[200XXXXXXXXX7b40].
  • 网桥运行状况已降级:
Cluster1::> system health subsystem  show
Subsystem     Health
----------------- ------------------
SAS-connect    ok
Environment    ok
Memory       ok
Service-Processor ok
Switch-Health   ok
CIFS-NDO      ok
Motherboard    ok
IO         ok
MetroCluster    ok
MetroCluster_Node ok
FHM-Switch     ok
FHM-Bridge     degraded
SAS-connect_Cluster ok
13 entries were displayed.
  • 尽管更换了SFP和缆线、节点上受影响的FC端口与ATto网桥之间的链路仍会关闭。
  • 在已知良好的节点端口和受影响的ATto之间交换缆线后、ATto网桥上的链路联机。

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