- MetroCluster
- 板载密钥管理
metrocluster check cluster show -checkonboard-key-management -instance
显示 。Cluster01::*> metrocluster check cluster show-check onboard-key-management -instance
Type of Check: onboard-key-management
Cluster Name: Cluster01
Result of the Check: warning Additional Information/Recovery Steps:Internal Error. Onboard Key Management hierarchy key mismatch between peer clusters.
Type of Check: onboard-key-management
Cluster Name: Cluster02
Result of the Check: warning Additional Information/Recovery Steps:Internal Error. Onboard Key Management hierarchy key mismatch between peer clusters.
ALERT km.mcc.okmkey.mismatch: This cluster is part of a MetroCluster configuration. The list of OKM hierarchy keys on one or both of the clusters is potentially corrupted.
MetroCluster vserver show显示CRS复制运行不正常:
Cluster: Cluster01
Vserver: vserver01
Failed Replication Reason: Apply failed for Object:vifsbyname Method: baseline. Reason: There are no active ports in IPspace"ipspace01" on node "Cluster01_Node01".