
使用 BES-53248 的 MetroCluster IP 或集群出现 CRC 错误

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  • ONTAP 9
  • MetroCluster IP 或集群
  • BES — 53248 
  • EFOS
  • EFOS


  • 报告了一个或多个集群端口上的 CRC 错误
  • 可能会在 ONTAP 升级后发生,从而导致所有节点的性能低下
  • EMS / 事件日志报告了以下内容: 

[cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SwitchIfOutErrorsWarn_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch/Slot: 0 Port: 9 25G - Level raised by monitor cluster-switch
[intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0a. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
[vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.crcerrors:alert]: Port e0a on node  is reporting a high number of observed hardware errors, possibly CRC errors.

  • 在 MetroCluster IP 环境中,错误与未同步的日志错误同时发生:

[monitor: monitor.globalStatus.critical:EMERGENCY]: Controller failover of affnode is not possible: unsynchronized log
[cf_main: cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:error]: Failover monitor: takeover of affnode disabled (unsynchronized log).
[intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0a. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
[vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.crcerrors:alert]: Port e0a on node affnode is reporting a high number of observed hardware errors, possibly CRC errors.

  • ifstat 输出中报告了较高的 CRC 错误:

Non-primary u/c:    0  | CRC errors:     175k | Runt frames:      0


  • 在连接到集群端口的交换机端口上报告接口错误:

#show interface ethernet 0/14 output:

Total Packets Received with MAC Errors......... 4859
Jabbers Received............................... 3121
FCS Errors Received............................ 1738

Total Transmit Errors.......................... 106
Transmit errors................................ 106


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