自动计划外切换完成—原因:DR Partner检测信号丢失
- MetroCluster FC
- AutoSupport 消息:MetroCluster 自动计划外切换已完成
- DR配对节点检测信号用于交换远程节点的状态。
- 检测信号通过两个站点之间的FCVI和对等连接进行交换。
- 您可能会在EMS消息中看到类似以下内容:
Thu Jan 02 10:56:57 CET [Metrocluster_test: DR_heartbeat_thread: mcc.auso.triggered:notice]: The node has triggered an Automatic Unplanned Switchover of the DR partner. Reason: DR partner Heartbeat Lost. If Automatic Unplanned Switchover was triggered because of heartbeat loss, any ongoing dump on the partner may be aborted.