对象应用失败: IGroup 方法:基线。原因:无法创建启动程序组 X 、因为启动程序是启动程序组 Y 的成员、且操作系统类型冲突
- MetroCluster
由于属于虚拟服务器的 IGroup 中的启动程序与 OSType 冲突、 MetroCluster 中的虚拟服务器的配置状态被标记为 Degraded 。
Cluster : clusterA
Vserver : vserver1
Partner Vserver : vserver1-mc
Configuration State : degraded
Stream Status : operation-failed
Corrective Action : Resynchronize the configuration using "metrocluster vserver resync" command. Contact technical support for assistance if configuration-state does not change to healthy.
Failed Reason : Apply failed for Object: igroup Method: baseline. Reason: Cannot create initiator group "igroup_windows" because the initiator "initiator1" is a member of the initiator group "igroup_vmware" with conflicting ostype "vmware".