
ATTO Fibrebridge FC端口已关闭

Last Updated:


  • MetroCluster FC
  • ONTAP 9
  • ATto光纤网桥7500不适用7600N
  • ATTO FibreBridge 6500N


  • 网桥 dumpconfig 输出显示FC端口已关闭、数据速率和连接模式显示为不适用:
; Port   Status
1    Down
2    Up
FC1 Data Rate     = N/A
FC1 Connection Mode  = N/A
  • porterrshow 在Brocade交换机上、连接到网桥FC端口的端口显示错误、交换机端口中的SFP显示低RX功率:
admin>  porterrshow 1
frames    enc   crc   crc   too   too   bad   enc  disc  link  loss  loss  frjt  fbsy  c3timeout   pcs   uncor
tx   rx    in   err   g_eof  shrt  long  eof   out  c3   fail   sync  sig          tx   rx   err   err
1:   3.8g  1.5g  0   289   277    0    0   12    0   15    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    8.5k  0
RX Power:   -25.7  dBm (2.7  uW)
TX Power:   -2.8   dBm (529.4 uW)
  • ATto网桥的FC端口已脱机、事件日志中报告了以下事件:

[Node-n1: dsbridge_admin: fc.bridge.fc.port.alert:alert]: Fibre Channel FibreBridge7500N Bridge ATTO_20000010XXXXXXX00 S/N: FB7500N10XXXX WWN: 20000010XXXXXXX00 FC Port FC_PORT2 offline.
[Node-n1: schmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = StorageBridgePortDown_Alert , Alerting Resource = 22000010XXXXXXX00 raised by monitor system-connect
[Node-n1: svc_queue_thread: callhome.dsk.redun.fault:error]: Call home for DISK REDUNDANCY FAILED

[hostname: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process schm: StorageBridgePortDown_Alert[210000xxxxxxxxx].

  • 端口报告为脱机:

storage bridge show -fields fc-port-index-list,fc-port-oper-state-list shows one FC port as offline:
name fc-port-index-list fc-port-oper-state-list
----------------- ------------------ -----------------------
ATTO_200000xxxxxxx4c0 1,2 offline,online <<<< FC port 1 offline
ATTO_200000xxxxxxx480 1,2 online,online

  • 系统将从"四路径HA"配置过渡到"多路径HA"。

[Node-n1: dsa_disc: shelf.config.tompha:info]: System has transitioned to multi-path HA attached storage


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