COITP-80508:MetroCluster IP - HA/DR NVLog脱机错误=-61
- During the deployment of a new MetroCluster DR-Group (potentially transitioning from FC to IP or a MetroCluster IP expansion), the HA connectivity with the added DR-Group Nodes is down.
- Console Output displays the following during boot:
[MCC DR state... [enter Ctrl-C(resume), S(status), L(link)]]
SKtrace logs display the following:[2024-07-12T09:43:04Z 3008216395674004 [6:0] BSD_RLIB_ERR: rlib_cma_event_handler: conn err cma event 8, qp=hb[CONN_HA:1:e0b],cm_id=0xfffff8116d1fd000, err=-61 2024-07-12T09:43:04Z 3008216395678716 [6:0] MCC_IP_WARN: ulp_conn_handler: (999) conn received error upcall for hb for role 1 err -61] [2024-07-12T09:43:04Z 3008216395970302 [14:0] BSD_RLIB_ERR: rlib_cma_event_handler: conn err cma event 8, qp=hb[CONN_HA:1:e1b],cm_id=0xfffff802bff60400, err=-61 2024-07-12T09:43:04Z 3008216395973470 [14:0] MCC_IP_WARN: ulp_conn_handler: (999) conn received error upcall for hb for role 1 err -61] [2024-07-12T09:43:04Z 3008216397791918 [14:0] BSD_RLIB_ERR: rlib_cma_event_handler: conn err cma event 8, qp=hb[CONN_DR:1:e1b],cm_id=0xfffff80208653400, err=-61 2024-07-12T09:43:04Z 3008216397793200 [14:0] MCC_IP_WARN: ulp_conn_handler: (999) conn received error upcall for hb for role 2 err -61] [2024-07-12T09:43:04Z 3008216397835992 [20:0] BSD_RLIB_ERR: rlib_cma_event_handler: conn err cma event 8, qp=hb[CONN_DR:1:e0b],cm_id=0xfffff81addf72000, err=-61]