使用BES-53248集群交换机的ClusterSwitch无 配置警报
- BES-53248
- 包含以下内容的ONTAP系统警报/运行状况警报:
Problem Summary:
Node: nodename
Alert ID: ClusterSwitchlessConfig_Alert
Resource: clustername
Severity: Major
Indication Time: Sat Dec 14 20:15:25 2024
Suppress: false
Acknowledge: false
Probable Cause: No cluster switch is detected and the switchless option is not enabled.
Possible Effect: Communication problems and cluster connectivity issues occur.
Corrective Actions:
1) If the cluster network is configured as a two-node switchless cluster (TNSC), enable switchless detection by using the "network options detect-switchless-cluster modify -enabled true" command.
No further action is required.
2) If the cluster network is configured with cluster switches, the nodes fail to detect the switches.
Ensure that the network interfaces on the cluster switches connected to the node cluster ports are enabled on both sides.
If the errors are corrected, stop. No further action is required. Otherwise, continue to step 3.
3) Check the physical connections between the nodes and the cluster switches. Replace network cables with known-good cables.
If the errors are corrected, stop. No further action is required. Otherwise, continue to step 4.
4) Ensure that either CDP (for Cisco switches) or ISDP(for NetApp CN1610 and Broadcom BES-53248 switches) is enabled on the cluster switches.
- EMS事件日志包含许多
Mon Dec 16 00:53:32 +0800 [<nodename>: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.ctdpktloss:alert]: Continued packet loss when pinging from cluster lif <nodename>_clus1 (node <nodename>) to cluster lif <nodename>_clus2 (node <nodename>).