Cisco 3132Q-V RCF 1.6 导致未配置 TCAM 区域错误,并阻止 10GbE 连接
- Cisco Nexus 3132 Q-V
- RCF 1.6
- RCF 1.6 安装问题描述:
2021 Mar 18 16:35:19 NetApp_CLS_SW-A %$ VDC-1 %$ %ACLQOS-SLOT1-2-ACLQOS_FAILED: ACLQOS failure: TCAM region is not configured for feature QoS class IPv4 direction ingress. Please configure TCAM region IPV4 Port QoS [qos] and retry the command.
- 尝试使用 10GbE 分支端口时,集群端口无法正常工作