

Last Updated:


Brocade交换机 G720


  • 将缆线插入Brocade交换机且端口进入 In_Sync 状态后、未检测到WWPN

Index Port Address  Media Speed   State     Proto
  35  35   01xx00   id   N32    In_Sync    FC  

Port 35:
Identifier:  3   SFP
Connector:   7   LC
Transceiver: 6804406000000000 8,16,32_Gbps M5 sw Inter,Short_dist
Vendor Name: BROCADE      
Vendor OUI:  00:05:1e
Vendor PN:   57-1000333-01   
Temperature: 59    Centigrade 
Current:    0.000   mAmps 
Voltage:    3291.7  mVolts 
RX Power:   -2.9   dBm (507.2uW) 
TX Power:   -1.5   dBm (715.4 uW) 

  • SFP的Rx和Tx处于最佳范围
  • 将缆线移至其他 可用端口后、WWPN仍不会登录
  • 已更换交换机端口上连接到主机的缆线、WWPN仍未登录
  • Link fail, loss sync 在展览上报告了一些错误,似乎是历史性的

      frames    enc   crc   crc   too   too   bad   enc   disc   link   loss   loss   frjt   fbsy  c3timeout   pcs   uncor
    tx    rx    in   err   g_eof  shrt   long   eof    out   c3   fail   sync   sig          tx   rx    err   err
32:   4.2g   4.2g   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    2    35.7k  17.9k 411    0    0    0    0    0    16.6k
33:   2.9g 668.2m   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    35.5k  17.9k 119    0    0    0    0    0    9.4k

2023/07/20-23:34:32, [PORT-1003], 61891, FID 128, WARNING, G620B, Port 33 Faulted because of many Link Failures.
2023/07/20-23:37:54, [PORT-1003], 61897, FID 128, WARNING, G620B, Port 33 Faulted because of many Link Failures.
2023/07/20-23:41:16, [PORT-1003], 61903, FID 128, WARNING, G620B, Port 33 Faulted because of many Link Failures.
2023/07/20-23:44:43, [PORT-1003], 61909, FID 128, WARNING, G620B, Port 33 Faulted because of many Link Failures.

  • 将同一条缆线移至不同交换机后、WWPN将登录

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