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Brocade 交换机     


  • Brocade 交换机提供按需端口(Port On Demand、POD)模式来进行许可和端口启用。
  • 但是、在添加POD许可证时、不会自动启用已禁用POD的端口。
Brocade POD详细信息



  • 在获得许可之前、可以配置端口、但不能启用端口。
  • 许可证安装操作步骤会检查许可证数据库。
  • 许可证安装可通过licenseadd 命令或Web工具切换管理许可证管理选项卡完成。
  • 安装Pod许可证后、必须明确启用端口、删除Pod许可证后、必须禁用端口。


  1. portenable/portdisable 命令或Web工具交换机管理端口设置选项卡
  2. switchenable/switchdisable 命令或Web工具切换管理切换选项卡
  3. 重新启动交换机。


  1. 确定当前持有许可证的未使用/脱机端口。   

                switch:admin> license --show -port
      24 ports are available in this switch
      Ports on Demand license is installed
         Dynamic POD method is in use

      24 port assignments are provisioned for use in this switch:
            8 port assignments are provisioned by the base switch allowance
            16 port assignments are provisioned by the Ports on Demand license
      13 ports are assigned to the base switch allowance or installed licenses:
            8 ports are assigned to the Ports on Demand base switch allowance
            5 ports are assigned to the Ports on Demand license
      ports assigned to the base switch allowance:
         0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
      ports assigned to the Ports on Demand license:
         7*, 8, 10, 11, 13       >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port 7 with * is an offline port holding license
      ports that are not assigned:
         12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
       0 license reservations are still available for use by unassigned ports
      1 license assignment is held by an offline port (indicated by *)

  1. 从端口7释放许可证。


switch:admin> portdisable <port_number>
switch:admin> license --release -port <port_number>
switch:admin> license --release -port <range_of_port_numbers>

  • 为端口保留许可证会为该端口分配一个POD许可证、而不管该端口是联机还是脱机。

switch:admin> license --reserve -port <port_number>

switch:admin> license --reserve -port <range_of_port_numbers> (#-#)

  • 运行portShow 命令以确保端口已获得许可。
  • 运行portEnable <portnumber> 命令以启用端口。


  • 如果活动端口已用尽当前POD许可证池、则无法为其他端口分配许可证。

switch:admin> license --show -port
  24 ports are available in this switch

  Ports on Demand license is installed
   Dynamic POD method is in use 

16 port assignments are provisioned for use in this switch:->  总共16个端口(许可证-包括POD和基本交换机补贴)

8 port assignments are provisioned by the base switch allowance ->在16个  端口中、有8个端口分配可用于基本交换机补贴

8 port assignments are provisioned by the Ports on Demand license-->分配的8个端口中的其余端口可用于POD

 16 ports are assigned to the base switch allowance or installed licenses:
     8 ports are assigned to the Ports on Demand base switch allowance
     8 ports are assigned to the Ports on Demand license
  ports assigned to the base switch allowance:
   0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 19
  ports assigned to the Ports on Demand license:
   3, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18
  ports that are not assigned:
   7, 10, 11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23
 0 license reservations are still available for use by unassigned ports

  • 客户必须联系其客户代表、帮助他购买额外的8端口POD、以启用其余端口。

请参见Brocade许可 用户指南



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