
volume_hot_spare_in_use はコピーバックを実行しません

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NetApp SANtricity OSソフトウェア11.70.1


  • ディスク交換後もコピーバックは実行されず、 データドライブ Replaced のステータスはディスク交換後も変わりません。

   Drive at Shelf 99, Bay 7
     Status:                    Replaced                                        
      Mode:                     Assigned                                        
      Raw capacity:              1,676.716 GB                                    
      Usable capacity:          1,671. 216 GB                                    
      World-wide identifier:    
      Associated volume group:  HDD-RAID5   


Failure Entry 1: VOLUME_HOT_SPARE_IN_USE- Recovery Failure Type Code: 21
Storage array: RabbitSAN
Volume group: HDD-RAID5
Status: Optimal
RAID level: 5
Failed drive at:  shelf 99, bay 7
Service action (removal) allowed: No Service action LED on component: No
Replaced by drive at: shelf 99,  bay 8
Volumes: HDD-RAID5

  • スペアディスクのモードは Hot spare in-use  STORAGE-ARRAY-PROFILE >です。 Drives:

   Drive at Shelf 99, Bay 8
      Status:                    Optimal                                         
     Mode:                     Hot spare in-use                                
      Raw capacity:              1,676.716 GB                                    
      Usable capacity:          1,671. 216 GB                                    
      World-wide identifier:     
      Associated volume group:  HDD-RAID5  

  • RAIDグループはまだです Optimal:

   Name:              HDD- RAID5           
      Status:         Optimal             
      Capacity:       5, 013.648 GB        
      Current owner:  Controller in bay B  

      Quality of Service (QoS) Attributes

         RAID level:                    5                          
         Drive media type:              Hard Disk Drive            
         Drive interface type:         Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)  
         Shelf loss protection:        No                         
         Secure-Capable:                No                         
         Secure- Enabled                No                         
         Data Assurance (DA) capable:   Yes                        
         DA enabled volume present:    Yes                        

      Total Volumes:           1        
         Thick volumes:       1        
         Repository volumes:  0        
         Free Capacity:        3.648 GB  

      Associated drives - present (in piece order)
      Total drives present:  5

         Shelf  Bay                                               
         99     4       
         99     5                                                 
         99     6           
         99     7                                                 
        99     8 [hot spare drive is sparing for drive at 99, 7]  



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