SCVMM 无法注册 SANtricity SMI-S 提供程序,并显示错误代码 WsManMIInvokeFailed
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- Category:
- e-series-santricity-smi-s-provider
- Specialty:
- esg
- Last Updated:
- SANtricity SMI-S 提供程序 11.62
- System Center Virtual Machine Manager ( SCVMM )
SCVMM 无法注册 SANtricity SMI-S 提供程序,并显示错误代码 WsManMIInvokeFailed
> $RunAsAcct = Get-SCRunAsAccount -Name "smis-user"
> Add-SCStorageProvider -NetworkDeviceName "http://<IP>" -TCPPort 5988 -Name "SMI-SAN" -RunAsAccount $RunAsAcct
Add-SCStorageProvider : Registration of storage provider http://<IP> failed for user "smis-user" failed from <HOST> with error code WsManMIInvokeFailed. (error ID: 26263)