- NetApp E 系列
- NetApp SANtricity
- SANtricity主机报告性能问题
- 在支持包和AutoSupport中找到的恢复guru文件报告以下故障条目:
Failure Entry 1: DEGRADED_DRIVE_PATH-Recovery Failure Type Code: 76
- 支持包和AutoSupport中的主要事件日志(MEL)报告以下事件:
Timeout on drive side of controller
A:8/7/22, 6:51:31 AM (06:51:31) 9300 100d Timeout on drive side of controller - Shelf 99, Bay 2
A:8/7/22, 6:51:27 AM (06:51:27) 9299 100d Timeout on drive side of controller - Shelf 99, Bay 2
A:8/7/22, 6:51:24 AM (06:51:24) 9298 100d Timeout on drive side of controller - Shelf 99, Bay 2
- MEL可能会在
Timeout on drive
期间报告Drive channel set to Degraded - Drive-side
A:8/7/22, 6:47:24 AM (06:47:24) 9287 100d Timeout on drive side of controller - Shelf 99, Bay 2
A:8/7/22, 6:47:16 AM (06:47:16) 9286 1209 Drive channel set to Degraded - Drive-side: channel 2 <--CRITICAL
A:8/7/22, 6:47:16 AM (06:47:16) 9285 1513 Individual drive - Degraded path - Drive-side: channel 2 <--CRITICAL
A:8/7/22, 6:47:16 AM (06:47:16) 9284 100d Timeout on drive side of controller - Shelf 99, Bay 2