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- 9
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- Category:
- snapcenter
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- snapx<a>适用于Microsoft SQL Server</a><a> SnapCenter for SQL</a><a>2008674515</a><a>的SnapCenter 插件</a>
- Last Updated:
- 适用于 SQL 的 SnapCenter 插件
用于SQL事务日志备份的SnapCenter 插件失败、并显示以下错误消息:
2021-03-02T06:45:20.0862220-05:00 WARN SMCore_63932 PID=[2796] TID=[37] Activity - Begin Transaction Log backup, Completed with warning : Resource (Hostname\DBname) failed with error (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot backup from a HADRON secondary because it is not in Synchronizing or Synchronized state.)