
在 FCI 集群中, SCSQL 克隆失败

Last Updated:


  • 适用于 SQL 4.4 的 SnapCenter 插件( SCSQL )
  • 具有故障转移集群实例( FCI )且共享的 Microsoft SQL 2019 磁盘
  • Windows Server 2019


  • 如果托管数据库文件的一个磁盘具有多个分区,则同一 Windows 集群中的 SCSQL 克隆将失败。
  • SnapCenter 克隆作业日志显示以下错误:
SnapManagerWeb_<Job_ID>.log :
2021-01-20T13:18:24.7986527+01:00 DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<Job_Id> PID=[7640] TID=[16] Updating the job (<Job_Id>) task (FileSystem Clone) status as Failed
scw_<Job_ID>.log :
DiskPart failed to clear disk attributes.
2021-01-20T13:17:43.1257515+01:00 Verbose SDW PID=[8944] TID=[20264] Disk is not online. Thread will sleep for one second before next retry. Disk check online retry counter : 50
2021-01-20T13:17:44.1263272+01:00 Error SDW PID=[8944] TID=[20264] Timeout getting cluster disk to be online.
2021-01-20T13:17:44.1263272+01:00 Verbose SDW PID=[8944] TID=[20264] --ClusterResourceManager::AddClusterDisk
2021-01-20T13:17:44.1263272+01:00 Error SDW PID=[8944] TID=[20264] Failed to mount the clone filesystem. Details: Timeout getting cluster disk to be online.
SMCORE_<Job_ID>.log :
2021-01-20T13:17:44.7440283+01:00 ERROR SMCore_<Job_Id> PID=[9936] TID=[49] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Failed to mount the clone filesystem. Details: Timeout getting cluster disk to be online.)
2021-01-20T13:17:44.7550234+01:00 DEBUG SMCore_<Job_Id> PID=[9936] TID=[49] CloneActivity failed Failed to mount the clone filesystem. Details: Timeout getting cluster disk to be online.
Cluster resource 'Cluster Disk 2' of type 'Physical Disk' in clustered role 'Available Storage' failed. The error code was '0x5' ('Access is denied.').


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