
SnapCenter Oracle 还原或克隆失败,并显示消息 ORA-00308 : cannot open archived log /ORA_log/arch1_123_456789012.arc

Last Updated:



  • SnapCenter 4.0 , 4.1 和 P 版本
  • 支持的 Linux RHEL , OHEL 或 SLES 版本
  • 支持的 Oracle 版本
  • 适用于 Oracle 的 SnapCenter 插件


此对话框显示以下错误( 1 ):

Failed on 'Hostname': Activity 'Post Restore' failed with error:
PL-SCO-25000: SCO_POSTRESTORE of database files failed with error:
ORACLE-30036: Recovery of ORADBSID failed due to the following error(s):
[ORA-00308: cannot open archived log '/ORA_LOG/arch1_123_456789012.arc',
ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below,
ORA-01195: online backup of file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent]

或( 2 ):

ORA-00279: change 626960289 generated at 02/12/2019 09:47:37 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion :   /var/opt/snapcenter/scu/clones/u06_scu_clone_1/fast_recovery_area/1_263679_767212381.arc
ORA-00280: change 626960289 for thread 1 is in sequence #263679
ORA-00278: log file '/var/opt/snapcenter/scu/clones/u06_scu_clone_1/fast_recovery_area/1_263679_767212381.arc' no longer needed for this recovery
ORA-00308: cannot open archived log '/var/opt/snapcenter/scu/clones/u06_scu_clone_1/fast_recovery_area/1_263679_767212381.arc'
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory


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