

Last Updated:


  • SnapCenter
  • 适用于Windows的SnapCenter插件(SCW)
  • 适用于VMware vSphere的SnapCenter插件(SCV)


  • LUN、VMDK磁盘或RDM磁盘未在 主机 -> 磁盘 页面中列出


  • 刷新  主机 ->磁盘  不会发现 LUN、VMDK磁盘或RDM磁盘。
  • SnapDriveSALDebug.log 在SCW 主机上、显示带有SVM名称解析的警告:

2019-02-26T19:12:53.4192832+08:00 Warning SAL PID=[17756] TID=[21544] No such host is known at System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByName(String hostName, Boolean includeIPv6)
at System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(String hostName)
at SnapDrive.Nsf.Common.Infrastructure.NetworkResourceIdCache.ResolveWithDns(String hostName)

2019-02-26T19:12:53.4192832+08:00 Verbose SAL PID=[17756] TID=[21544] --NetworkResourceIdCache::ResolveWithDns
2019-02-26T19:12:53.4192832+08:00 Warning SAL PID=[17756] TID=[21544] Error resolving hostname: Failed to resolve <SVM_NAME> by HostByName, at: at SnapDrive.Nsf.Common.Infrastructure.NetworkResourceIdCache.ResolveWithDns(String hostName)
at SnapDrive.Nsf.Common.Infrastructure.NetworkResourceIdCache.Resolve(String hostName)

  • SMCore.log 在SnapCenter服务器上(对于VMDK 枚举)、将显示一个名称解析问题描述以及数据网络接口:

2024-07-31T11:01:44.8745889-05:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] hostResource is type of SDnfsShare.
2024-07-31T11:01:44.8745889-05:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] ++NetworkResourceIdCache::Resolve
2024-07-31T11:01:44.8755946-05:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] ++NetworkResourceIdCache::ResolveWithDns
2024-07-31T11:01:44.8755946-05:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] Resolving Network Resource : <NFS_DATA_LIF_NAME>
2024-07-31T11:01:44.8765884-05:00 WARN  SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX]
Message   : No such host is known
Source    : System
StackTrace :   at System.Net.Dns.GetAddrInfo(String name)
  at System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByName(String hostName, Boolean includeIPv6)
  at System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(String hostNameOrAddress)
  at SnapDrive.Nsf.Common.Infrastructure.NetworkResourceIdCache.ResolveWithDns(String hostName)

2024-07-31T11:01:44.8765884-05:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] --NetworkResourceIdCache::ResolveWithDns
2024-07-31T11:01:44.8765884-05:00 WARN  SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] Error resolving hostname: Failed to resolve <NFS_DATA_LIF_NAME> by HostByName, at:   at SnapDrive.Nsf.Common.Infrastructure.NetworkResourceIdCache.ResolveWithDns(String hostName)
  at SnapDrive.Nsf.Common.Infrastructure.NetworkResourceIdCache.Resolve(String hostName)

2024-07-31T11:01:44.8775894-05:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] --NFStoStrorageConverter::Convert
2024-07-31T11:01:44.8775894-05:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] --HostToStorageConverter::GetStorageFootprint
2024-07-31T11:01:44.8775894-05:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXXXX PID=[XXXX] TID=[XXX] SDGetStorageResponse : SDGetStorageResponse :
 Result : SDGetStorageResult : HostResource : /<DATASTORE_FOLDER_NAME>
No storage footprint available. Error : Failed to get the storage system for host resource : Name : /<DATASTORE_FOLDER_NAME>, Type: SDNASDir, Code : 104


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