安装或升级SnapCenter 4.8或4.9会在对话框之前失败
- SnapCenter服务器(SC) 4.8和4.9
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2及 更高版本
在尝试执行新的SC 4.8或4.9安装或 从SC 4.6或更早版本升级到SC 4.8时,安装程序会 在初始进度屏幕后消失,并且会在末尾显示以下行
:DATE[TIME]: Running event 'New_DetermineIfUpgrading'
DATE[TIME]: Engine: request for proxy handler, 0, 0
DATE[TIME]: (CLR Action): Attempting to load through CLR 4 APIs...
DATE[TIME]: (CLR Action): Getting meta host...
DATE[TIME]: (CLR Action): Enumerating available runtimes...
DATE[TIME]: (CLR Action): Highest available runtime: v4.0.30319
DATE[TIME]: (CLR Action): Trying to use highest runtime...
DATE[TIME]: (CLR Action): Using highest version runtime...
DATE[TIME]: (CLR Action): Managed code threw an unhandled exception.
DATE[TIME]: Action returned value 0x00000643
DATE[TIME]: Action 'New_DetermineIfUpgrading' returned status 0x80070643
DATE[TIME]: UI DLL: Shutting down
DATE[TIME]: Original exit status: 0x80070643, final exit status: 0x00000643