Windows 安装上的 Active IQ Unified Manager 服务可能会失败 升级后启动
- Windows Server 2008 , 2012 , 2016 , 2019
- OnCommand Unified Manager ( 7.2 及以上版本)
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6 及更高版本
在 Windows 上将 Unified Manager 升级到 7.2 及以上版本后,服务 OCIE 或 OCIE-AU 可能无法启动,并指出 MySQL 服务未运行或已删除。
- OCUM UI 面板可能会显示以下消息:
"No performance data is being collected from cluster. Restart Unified manager to correct this issue."
- OCUM 服务 NetApp OCIE 或 NetApp OCIE 采集单元升级到 OCUM 7.2 后无法启动、尝试手动启动时可能会显示以下错误:
“Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion”
- Windows 系统事件日志显示以下错误:
"Error in Event Viewer, System Log. Event ID 7003: The NetApp OCIE Acquisition Unit service depends on the following service: MySQL56. This service might not be installed."
- 检查 services.MSC MySQL 服务正在运行且 MySQL 安装目录中的 *.err 日志显示 MySQL 的正确版本已安装并正在运行:
2017-08-09T10:57:42.838235Z 0 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqld.exe: ready for connections.