是否可以自动监控和通知Cloud Volumes ONTAP与Cloud Manager之间的连接状态?
- Cloud Manager
- NetApp BlueXP连接器
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP
- 如果采用按需购买模式部署的Cloud Volumes ONTAP与Cloud Manager失去通信、则Cloud Volumes ONTAP日志将显示许可证即将过期、并且有14天的宽限期。
- 可以使用以下EMS事件进行监控和通知:
Message Name: license.subscription.reminder
Severity: NOTICE
Description: This message occurs when your Cloud ONTAP(R) license subscription is going to expire soon.
Corrective Action: Contact your sales representative to renew your subscription as soon as possible.
SNMP Trap Type: Severity-based
Is Deprecated: false
Message Name: license.subscription.warning
Severity: ALERT
Description: This message occurs when your Cloud ONTAP(R) license subscription is nearly expired.
Corrective Action: Contact your sales representative to renew your subscription immediately, to avoid any disruption.
SNMP Trap Type: Severity-based
Is Deprecated: false
Message Name: license.subscription.enforcement
Description: This message occurs when your Cloud ONTAP(R) license subscription has expired but may still be renewed.
Corrective Action: Contact your sales representative to have your subscription reactivated.
SNMP Trap Type: Severity-based
Is Deprecated: false
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP系统将在与Cloud Manager的通信中断超过14天后关闭。
- 此行为仅与按需购买相关、而不适用于BYOL (自带许可证)。