

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9.10.1
  • ONTAP 9.11.1
  • Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO)
  • NetApp网络结构池
  • NetApp云层
  • NetApp Cloud Backup Service (哥伦比亚广播公司)
  • SnapMirror


  • 检查EMS是否存在ktllb故障警报(由于EMS限制、此操作最多每10分钟重复一次)

Thu Sep 15 18:07:32 +0000 [Cluster-01: ktlsd: ktls.failed:notice]: "The TLS connections have failed several times with remote host '##.##.##.##' in IPspace '###', for which the latest reason given is: OpenSSL: error:7E000003:lib(252)::reason(3)."

  • 对象存储被标记为不可用(使用CVO时,它可能仍显示为 available, 然后通过EMS日志进行验证)

::*> storage aggregate object-store show
   Aggregate    Object Store Name Availability   Mirror Type
   -------------- ----------------- -------------  -----------
   aggr01         StorageAccount  unavailable   primary
   aggr02         StorageAccount  unavailable   primary
   2 entries were displayed.

Error: command failed: Initializing the object store profiler on node "Cluster-01" for object store "StorageAccount" failed. Reason: OpenSSL: in function func(0): reason(3). Wait a few minutes and try the command again.

  • 对于CVO、通过Cloud Manager创建已启用分层的聚合或向已启用分层的现有聚合添加磁盘可能会失败、并显示以下错误之一:
Error:Cannot verify availability of the object store from node <Nodename>. Reason: OpenSSL: in function func(0): reason(3).
Error:Cannot verify availability of the object store from node <Nodename>. Reason: Wrong port or server is not reachable.
  • 由于根存储帐户的连接问题、部署在Azure中的CVO`s可能会遇到mDP问题:

PANIC: DIAGNOSTIC PANIC Disk deleted or missing on cloud shared HA in SK process config_thread on release 9.11.1 (C)

  • Cloud Manager中的 "层"信息板可能会显示Cloud tier is not available""。

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