

aff-series<a>BES-53248</a><a>2009 346529</a>
Last Updated:


  • 添加AFF A700节点的现有集群
  • 集群网络交换机升级到BES-53248


  • 集群网络交换机已更换为BES-53248
  • 集群已通过新的AF-A700节点进行了扩展
  • 新添加节点的集群端口上的EMS中的数据包丢失消息。示例: 

[?] Sat Oct 22 10:44:59 +0300 [node-02: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.ctdpktloss:alert]: Continued packet loss when pinging from cluster lif node-02_clus1 (node node-02) to cluster lif node-07_clus1 (node node-07).

[?] Sat Oct 22 10:51:28 +0300 [node-02: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: ClusterIfInErrorsWarn_Alert[cluster-SW2/Slot: 0 Port: 49 100G - Level].

  • 新添加节点的集群端口上的运行状况监控警报。示例

Node: node-05
Monitor: ethernet-switch
Alert ID: ClusterIfInErrorsWarn_Alert
Alerting Resource: cluster-SW1/Slot: 0 Port: 49 100G - Level
Description: The percentage of inbound packet errors of switch interface "cluster-SW1/Slot: 0 Port: 49 100G - Level" is above the warning threshold.

  • 受影响端口和 OutDropPktsRxTX Errors.outputs.的交换机接口计数器不断增加。示例: 

*************** show interface counters ***************

Port              InOctets      InUcastPkts      InMcastPkts      InBcastPkts       InDropPkts        Rx Error
--------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
0/49           94694437047        172458306            29633            20635                0           260111
0/50           65891725795        148441933            29600            20712                1           212051
0/51                     0                0                0                0                0                0
0/52                     0                0                0                0                0                0
0/53           51009189766         93580229            12853             8950                7           124798
0/54           53578904828         89873168            12841             8869                0           126181

Port             OutOctets     OutUcastPkts     OutMcastPkts     OutBcastPkts     OutDropPkts        Tx Error
--------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
0/49           79762420296        161280006           414369           545579           210497            63368
0/50           77932724095        157365236           414727           545696           212537            63588
0/51                     0                0                0                0                0                0
0/52                     0                0                0                0                0                0
0/53           40437115567         88005728           179938           287375           102559            38203
0/54           39124214192         80158224           179601           287091           103037            38216


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